Source: http://studiomothers.com/2013/02/22/meme-of-the-week-2/ |
Two years ago yesterday, my last relationship ended. I have been single for
2 years. TWO YEARS. About 6 months ago I realized I had not been single since I started dating my ex-husband in 1997.
Since then I have
- felt crazy lonely
- felt crazy happy
- felt despair
- been afraid to go home because I was terrified to be alone
- felt incredible joy sitting alone in my house
- had my insides scraped out & healed by God
- been to Eastern Europe by myself
- been to Ireland by myself
- navigated from Heathrow to Central run in Hyde Park in London!
- London and back all by myself
- seen the Hungarian Parliament building at night in Budapest
- lost self-consciousness
- discovered I'm pretty funny
- cried a lot. A. LOT.
- run my fastest marathon ever!
- started a Masters degree
- dressed up [as Miss Piggy] for Halloween for the first time since I was a kid
- found confidence as a teacher
- had flowers delivered from an known source
- learned how to be a friend
- lost people
- found people
- stopped using people
- started appreciating myself
- found confidence as a person
- learned how to drive up to Bogus in the snow all by myself
- learned how to grill
- am learning how to stand up for myself
- read Anna Karenina! ALL of it!
- painted my back room
- took 2 carloads of stuff to the Youth Ranch
- found out I don't need to be afraid
- found out other people can be trusted
- found out other people are not out to get me
- learned to enjoy my own company
- learned my opinion counts
- learned my life matters
- learned that I matter
- found out I am worth loving.
Hungarian Parliament |
Me in Budapest (Parliament in the background) |
You are fantastically awesome, my friend!!