Tuesday, February 23, 2021

#54 The Digital Tel Aviv Marathon 10k that Didn't Count

Today i [finally] completed the Tel Aviv Marathon 10k! The official day was Saturday, February 19. Of course it was not going to be in person this year, but it was a great substitute.  There was a packet pickup that included a bag with about 7 food bars, a race number, shirt, decal and finisher medal inside.

You download an app that tracks your race for you and apparently allows you to download a certificate when you complete the race. I completed the race according to Garmin but not according to the app. Of course I want the certificate, though, for my scrapbook!


Cool shirt, too!


The bling

More proof I finished! (don't judge how slow I am :( )


  1. bravo!! did u hearvabout the Frenchman who completed a marathon on his apt balcony?? no excuse for anyone to not workout, though I failed miserably for 9 months of closed gyms and trails
